Career Training in Cutting-Edge Construction Crafts

Applying plaster and placing and finishing concrete are highly-skilled crafts requiring career-long training, from apprenticeships for workers entering the trade to upgrading and safety courses that keep journeypeople at the top of their profession.

That’s what the OPCMIA International Training Fund (ITF) does. We are a non-profit national training trust fund meeting the training needs of signatory contractors, members, affiliated Joint Apprenticeship Training Committees (JATC), and affiliated local unions of the Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association (OPCMIA).

News and Resources

Cold Weather

The winter months are upon us and that means you need to be prepared for cold weather. Here are several valuable resource links regarding working in cold conditions. While the ITF does not expressly recommend everything in the resources, we are sharing them so that you may review them for what is most relevant to you.