The OPCMIA ITF provides essential training both for workers entering our trades and for mid-career journeypeople.

Combining classroom teaching and hands-on experience, it involves learning the skills and techniques specific to each craft, understanding the properties and uses of materials, maximizing productivity, and ensuring safety on the job.


Earn While You Learn

The OPCMIA ITF’s world-class apprenticeship program trains workers to become the best-skilled craftspeople in their fields, commanding middle-class incomes, comprehensive health care coverage and retirement benefits. They receive a debt-free, technologically-advanced education while earning a good living that, in turn, opens doors of opportunity to rewarding, fulfilling careers as OPCMIA journeypeople.


Upgrading Programs

Stay On Top of the Game

Technologies change in the plaster and cement mason crafts as quickly as they do in any other field. The OPCMIA ITF keeps members ahead of the change curve by providing upgrading training, offering refresher courses, and emphasizing jobsite safety and health.


Employers and Contractors!

If you are a contractor interested in what the OPCMIA ITF can do to ensure your workers are the most skilled craftspeople in the world, please visit the OPCMIA’s Employers page.