Note: Links to external websites are provided for reference only. External websites are maintained by other organizations, agencies, and companies, who are solely responsible for their content.
State Building and Construction Trades Council of California
Documentary Film Project
PBS Documentary
(this features women in Iron Workers #377 in SF)
Women Ironworker Interview
(this is a great short piece and very real! – she is doing post tensioning work)
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc.
Women Can Do Conference
Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW)
National Association of Women in Construction
Cleveland Ohio Construction Women
Boston Tradeswomen’s Network
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE)
PO Box 369, Cochranville, PA 19330
W: 610-593-8038 | W-fax: 610-593-7283
Nontraditional Employment for Women
243 W. 20th St., New York, NY 10011
W: 212-627-6252 | W-fax: 626-486-2293
Sisters in the Building Trades
17701 108th Ave. SE, PMB #131, Renton, WA 98055
Women in the Trades – MO
8300 Manchester Road, Brentwood, MO 63144
W: 314-963-3200 | W-fax: 314-963-3286
Allied Cleveland Tradeswomen
PO Box 110846, Cleveland, OH 44111
W: 440-341-5439
Chicago Women in the Trades
2444 W. 16th St., #3E, Chicago, IL 60608
W: 312-942-1444 | W-fax: 312-942-1599
National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC)
327 Adams St., Fort Worth, TX 76104
W: 817-877-5551 | W-fax: 817-877-0324
Tradeswomen, Inc.
1433 Webster Street, Oakland, CA 94612
W: 510-891-8773 | W-fax: 510-891-8775
Women in the Building Trades
284 Amory St., #8, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
W: 617-522-1112
Women Work
411 Seventh Ave., #925, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
W: 412-281-9270 | W-fax: 412-281-9279
Atlanta Tradeswomen Network
Hard Hatted Women
4220 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103
W: 216-861-6500
New England Tradeswomen
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc.
3934 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., #101, Portland, OR 97212
W: 503-335-8200 | W-fax: 503-249-0445
Vermont Works for Women
32A Malletts Bay Ave., Winooski, VT 05404
W: 802-655-8900 | W-fax: 802-655-8922
Women in Non Traditional Employment Roles (WINTER)
3655 S. Grand Ave., #210, Los Angeles, CA 90007
W: 213-749-3970 | W-fax: 213-749-3918
Women’s Alliance
W: 510-525-7775